Art History Class Explores Medieval Treasures at the Metropolitan Museum This year Stevenson has added a new elective to the curriculum, “History of Art, Architecture and Design.” The course introduces students to the social, cultural, religious and political significance of art, architecture and design through the ages. Taught by one of Stevenson’s history teachers, the course was created with the goal of developing interest in history through art, and arousing greater interest in art by giving it a historical context.
In December, the class took a field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to see Byzantine mosaics and artifacts, and early Medieval paintings and sculptures. The students became very excited upon seeing actual relics from periods of history they had studied. They spoke knowledgeably with each other about artistic styles and their historical contexts, and gazed in fascination at pieces that they most likely would have walked past without a second glance a few months ago. The students chose favorite pieces, taking photos and notes about them to prepare presentations in class. A wonderful time was had by all, and the students are looking forward to their next trip to view Renaissance works.